
Great gatsby font andesite
Great gatsby font andesite

great gatsby font andesite

There are also small craft launching sites at Witsands, Kommetjie (no slipway), Millers Point, Simon's Town, Buffels Bay and just outside the MPA at Granger Bay. There are three 3 harbours within the MPA, the naval base and yacht club marina at Simon's Town, Kalk Bay fishing harbour, and Hout Bay fishing harbour and marina. The MPA extends from Mouille Point in the north west, south along the west coast of the peninsula, around Cape Point, and north along the east coast of the peninsula to Muizenberg in the north east, with a total length of 127 km (79 mi) of coastline and area of 953.25 km 2 (368.05 sq mi). The six smaller restricted or "no-take" zones are thought to be breeding and nursery areas for marine life and the hope is that by leaving these relatively undisturbed, threatened species will have a chance to regenerate and increase the stock in adjacent areas. The TMNPMPA is intended to protect this region to help sustainable commercial and recreational use of the coastal waters. Waters from the cold Benguela current and warm Agulhas currents meet and mix in the vicinity of the Cape Peninsula, resulting in a region of high marine biodiversity.

great gatsby font andesite

This MPA is specifically intended to protect the marine environment and biodiversity of the region, to promote sustainable use of marine resources in the MPA, to allow over-exploited species of fish, abalone and rock lobster a sanctuary in which to breed and recover, to develop awareness of the MPA among recreational users, and to promote and regulate eco-tourism and scientific research. Purpose Ī marine protected area is defined by the IUCN as "A clearly defined geographical space, recognised, dedicated and managed, through legal or other effective means, to achieve the long-term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values". The Castle Rock Marine Protected Area, previously known as the Millers Point Marine Reserve, was proclaimed as a marine protected area in Government Notice R1429 in Government Gazette 21948 of 29 December 2000. In 2004 it was renamed as the Table Mountain National Park, and the Marine protected area added. The reserve was later expanded and in 1998 the Cape Peninsula National Park was proclaimed. The mountain above the 152 metre contour was proclaimed a national monument in 1958. The Table Mountain National Park was originally established as the Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve in 1939. 26431 of 4 June 2004 in terms of the Marine Natural Resources Act, 18 of 1998. The MPA was proclaimed by the Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Marthinus van Schalkwyk, in Government Gazette No.

  • 7.6.1 Seasonal variations in sea conditions.
  • Part of the West Coast rock lobster industry takes place within the MPA – as well as recreational and subsistence fishers, and an illegal poaching industry mostly targeting abalone, rock lobster and territorial linefish from the no-take zones. The MPA contains culturally significant fish traps, historical wrecks and traditional fishing communities, and is also important for commercial fisheries. Both sides are classified as temperate waters, but there is a significant difference in average temperature, with the Atlantic side being noticeably colder on average. The ecology of the west or "Atlantic Seaboard" side of the park is noticeably different in character and biodiversity to that of the east, or " False Bay" side. The marine ecology is unusually varied for an area of this size, as a result of the meeting of two major oceanic water masses near Cape Point, and the park extends into two coastal marine bioregions. The MPA is administrated by the Table Mountain National Park, a branch of SANParks.

    great gatsby font andesite

    The MPA is mainly a controlled zone where extractive activities are allowed under permit, with six small no-take zones. The shark and whale watching tourist industries are also represented, and there are several popular surf breaks. It encloses a large number of recreational dive sites visited by local residents and tourists from further afield.

    great gatsby font andesite

    The MPA is of value for conservation of a wide range of endemic species, and has considerable economic value as a tourist destination. 26431 of 4 June 2004 in terms of the Marine Living Resources Act, 18 of 1998. It was proclaimed in Government Gazette No. The Table Mountain National Park Marine Protected Area is an inshore marine protected area around the Cape Peninsula, in the vicinity of Cape Town, South Africa.

    Great gatsby font andesite